Frequently asked questions

Price and Payment
What is the price of packaged charcoal?
Packaged charcoal prices are formed depending on the customer's requirements for the fraction, packaging, volume of delivery and, therefore, they are discussed with each customer personally.
Do you provide discounts for large volumes?
Yes. The volume discount is discussed individually.
What are your payment terms?
For export, we accept 100% advance payment before shipment. You pay while your trailer is being loaded. As the payment arrives, your trailer is sent to you immediately.
Do you work with or without VAT?
In the Russian Federation, we provide operations both with and without VAT.
Volume and Terms of Delivery
What is the minimum lot of shipment for export?
The minimum lot of shipment for export is one Euro Trailer, minimum 31 pallets.
How many tons of charcoal per month can you ship to us?
We can ship up to 100 tons of the product per month.
What are the terms of shipment and is there charcoal in stock?
We always have the volume of packaged product for 3-4 trailers in stock in bags marked with our trademark and for 1-2 trailers in bags without trademarks (craft).
Quality and Reliability
What wood do you use in charcoal production?
We manufacture our products from birch only. For the raw material, birch centers are used – the core that remains after birch veneer for plywood production. They have no bark and are approximately of the same diameter. They give charcoal of a homogeneous fraction, with the minimum amount of charcoal dust, stable high carbon content and without any odor.
Do you screen the charcoal before packing?
Yes, after the charcoal cools down (stabilizes) in the retorts, we screen the charcoal through a 10-mm mesh. Moreover, on customer's request we can divide the charcoal into two more fractions – from 10 mm to 60 mm (for packing in bags up to 3 kg), and 60 mm or greater (for deliveries to restaurants and cafe - HORECA).
Can you send a photo of your charcoal, production, bags?
Yes, of course. You can see some of the photos on our website. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer and send you additional photos and documents.
Is there any data on testing your charcoal for carbon, moisture, ash content, etc.?
Yes, we have the "Test Certificate" for carbon content, moisture content, ash content, and content of volatile agents.
What bags and what volumes do you use for packing your charcoal?
We pack charcoal in multiply bags (1 kg to 10 kg; usual standard packing volumes are: 1 kg, 1.3 kg, 1.8 kg, 2 kg, 2.5 kg, 2.8 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, 6.5 kg, 7 kg, 7.8 kg, 8 kg, and 10 kg). Packing in liters is also possible. There is a possibility of packing and shipping in polypropylene bags of 10 kg to 13 kg weight and in big bags.
Are bags marked with your contact details?
Bags marked with our brand contain the manufacturer's contact details. Using smart cliche, we can apply the data of our partners. Our bags indicate the volume, GOST, instructions, marketing text, and all labeling required by law for the sale of products by retail. On craft bags, we use self-adhesive labels with the data provided by our partners and customers.
Can you apply our data on the bags?
Yes, we can do this and arrange printing your trademark on bags, but this shall be agreed, at least, 45 days before the planned date of the shipment onset to your orders.
Where and how is packing material with our trademark stored?
Packing and bags with your trademark are stored in production warehouses. They are stored in a dry, cool warehouse, the amount used reported once a month.
What is the minimum lot you ship?
The minimum lot is 1 trailer of 31 to 33 Euro pallet sized 800 mm * 1,200 mm. Shipment on pallets 1,000 mm * 1,200 mm and 1,200 mm * 1,200 mm in size is also possible. For the export, all pallets are marked with a phytosanitary stamp which confirms undergoing of the phytosanitary treatment in accordance with the standard ISPM 15.
How much charcoal is loaded to the trailer?
The trailer contains from 8 tons to 16 tons of charcoal. Possibilities of loading are as follows: on pallets only; on pallets plus additional loading of paper bags in bulk on top of pallets; in bulk; in polypropylene bags and big bags.
What city is the charcoal delivered from?
Our manufacture is located in the Parfinsky District of the Novgorod Region, which is about 300 km far from the European border.
Charcoal Export
Do you sell charcoal for export? Are you experienced in working with foreign companies?
Yes, we work with the customers from the EU. We have more than 5 years of experience in deliveries out of the Russian Federation, and we ship under the terms of FCA. We are also looking for new partners for marketing development for our products.
Do you deliver charcoal abroad?
No, the terms of shipment are FCA (loading and customs declaring procedure), but we can recommend you freight companies that are already successfully working with us.
Can you ship charcoal by a container or a rail car?
We can load containers (20ft, 40ft, 40ft HQ) both on pallets and in bulk. We have no experience in shipping cargo by rail.
Do you have a currency account and are you able to accept payments in USD or EUR?
Yes, we have a currency account, and we accept payments in both EUR and USD.
Do you have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
Now we do not have a valid certificate, it is required for the transportation of our products by sea. This document can be drawn up within 3-5 days, if necessary, and at a cost of about 220 Euros.
Can you pack charcoal into cardboard boxes?
Yes, we can do this, but only after all requirements agreed with the customer and an advance payment for this type of container received.
Can you pack double pallets?
Yes, we have such an opportunity and experience of such packing. Photos of this packing can be provided on request.
Do you have the ability to load your products to trailers and containers consolidated with products by other suppliers?
Yes, we can, and we have such experience. This shipping format, however, shall be preliminary explored.
Packing materials (bags, pallets, stretch, pallet certificate)
We can help you in placing orders for packing materials with your trademark at approved vendors and manufacturers: bags, stretch, boxes, labels, advertising aids; providing transportation of these goods to our manufacture and ensuring their safety and accounting. If necessary, we can transfer these packing materials to your representatives or third-party manufacturers.
What else, beside the charcoal, do you produce?
We produce chips for smoking in various packages (200 gr, 400 gr, 1 kg, 12 kg, and 3 liters).
What city is the charcoal delivered from?
Our manufacture is located in the Parfinsky District of the Novgorod Region, which is about 300 km far from the European border.
If you have not found the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to write to us!
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